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links 函式定義了當使用者瀏覽某個路由時,要將哪些 <link> 元素添加到頁面中。

import type { LinksFunction } from "@remix-run/node"; // or cloudflare/deno

export const links: LinksFunction = () => {
  return [
      rel: "icon",
      href: "/favicon.png",
      type: "image/png",
      rel: "stylesheet",
      href: "",
    { page: "/users/123" },
      rel: "preload",
      href: "/images/banner.jpg",
      as: "image",



這是正常 <link {...props} /> 元素的物件表示形式。請參閱 MDN 文件以了解連結 API

路由的 links 輸出應該返回 HtmlLinkDescriptor 物件的陣列。


import type { LinksFunction } from "@remix-run/node"; // or cloudflare/deno

import stylesHref from "../styles/something.css";

export const links: LinksFunction = () => {
  return [
    // add a favicon
      rel: "icon",
      href: "/favicon.png",
      type: "image/png",

    // add an external stylesheet
      rel: "stylesheet",
      href: "",
      crossOrigin: "anonymous",

    // add a local stylesheet, remix will fingerprint the file name for
    // production caching
    { rel: "stylesheet", href: stylesHref },

    // prefetch an image into the browser cache that the user is likely to see
    // as they interact with this page, perhaps they click a button to reveal in
    // a summary/details element
      rel: "prefetch",
      as: "image",
      href: "/img/bunny.jpg",

    // only prefetch it if they're on a bigger screen
      rel: "prefetch",
      as: "image",
      href: "/img/bunny.jpg",
      media: "(min-width: 1000px)",


這些描述符允許您預先提取使用者可能導航到的頁面資源。雖然此 API 很有用,但您可能會從 <Link prefetch="render"> 獲得更多好處。但是,如果您願意,您可以使用此 API 獲得相同的行為。

export const links: LinksFunction = () => {
  return [{ page: "/posts/public" }];

這會在使用者甚至導航到那裡之前,將 JavaScript 模組、載入器資料和樣式表(在下一個路由的 links 輸出中定義)載入到瀏覽器快取中。

請小心使用此功能。您不希望為使用者可能永遠不會訪問的頁面下載 10MB 的 JavaScript 和資料。

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